Monday, December 8, 2008

after years

today i talked to my first school crush...........:)
funny just yesterday i was talking about her and today i met her on orkut........

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A secret

Here is a something that i have hidden(or rather not told anyone) about.
I wanted to get myself admitted in VMC after class Xth.I gave the entrance test for it but could not clear it.The mail came at my place regarding my non selection.However by some mistake the letter bore wrong role no.So that allowed an excuse to go and talk to the people at VMC .
So we went there and somehow convinced Sandeep bhaia of admitting me in VMC as my past school record was brilliant.

In retrospect I think that i should not have taken that decision.For one because i was never honest in accepting the fact to anyone that i had manged to get admission in there by the means which could not be said to be perfectly correct and two because i somwhow could never place myself at par with the people who were selected defacto at VMC so it was quite a morale dampener.

It still is difficult for me to accept to anyone that i was not a VMC regular solely on my own merit because somehow i have made VM more important thn myself and still give myself some non-voluntary ego masage.I still want that people should consider me as intelligent and again non-voluntarily i still take VM selection as my ticket to it(although now i myself want to move away from it because i know that i am much more than a mere selection at VM)

Monday, October 20, 2008

some thoughts about my interaction with opposite sex

I have over the last 4 years that is my college years become quite recicent as far talking to girls is concerned.I was quite a talkative person in my school days and had little hesitation in talking to girls but in colege slowly and slowly everything changed.While most of my freinds became quite open in the college life with me it was exact opposite.Very steadily and unknowingly i distanced myself from girls .

some thoughts

If God answers your prayers, he's increasing your faith;
If he delays, he's increasing your patience;
If he doesn't, he has faith in your abilities.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

my first blog

here i was sitting in office .thought about doing something other than work for a while decided to write a blog.lets see how much thoughts can i put in on this blog allthough i amm quite recicent as far sharing my thoughts is concerned